
couple in sauna

Slash Stroke Risk 61%?

Top-notch researchers have just discovered that regular use of one of the world’s oldest health rituals could be the key to stopping strokes for good.

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SOLVED: The Great Egg Debate

Here’s why you should be eating more eggs.

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“Forbidden” Food STOPS Heart Attack and Stroke

A recent Chinese study shows that a tasty treat can actually lower your risk of heart disease and stroke!

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Drug-Free Secret Lowers Heart Attack and Stroke Risk!

University of Colorado researchers have just discovered a dead-simple way to lower your heart risk without taking risky drugs.

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Delicious Foods STOP Heart Attack & Stroke

Researchers from the University of Alabama have discovered that eating certain foods could help protect you from heart attack and stroke.

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Wonder Vitamin Slashes Heart Risk 70%

Spanish researchers have just discovered an all-natural compound that works twice as hard as statins when it comes to SLASHING your risk of dying from heart problems.

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Eat This to STOP Heart Attack and Stroke

Eat This to STOP Heart Attack and Stroke

Penn State University researchers have found that eating a handful of this type of nut every day can up your heart attack and stroke protection by nearly 20%.

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URGENT: Popular Mineral Linked to Heart Attacks?

Texas researchers have just discovered that there’s one thing that can send your chances of having a heart attack or stroke. And believe it or not, it’s calcium.

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Popular Drink TRIPLES Dementia, Stroke Risk

If you think you’re dodging bad health by drinking diet soda — think again. New research from Boston University shows these chemically sweetened drinks can triple your chances of stroke and dementia. Read on to discover more.

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