Weird “Brain Food” SLOWS Memory Loss
Dear Turapür Today Reader, Years ago, you had the sharpest, quickest mind on the block. You could remember dates and details from 20 years ago – and for better or worse, you never forgot a face. Now, though, you walk into rooms without knowing why… you stumble through stories you’ve told a dozen times… and every once in...
Heart Risk PLUMMETS With Controversial Pill
Despite a recent onslaught of attacks on fish oil, a pair of studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine have again confirmed that omega-3s can slash your risk of devastating heart attack. This research may even convince mainstream naysayers…
Miracle Nutrient Gives You Bones of Steel
Researchers discover a miracle nutrient you should be taking if you want to have bones of steel… regardless of your age. Plus, it’s in some of your favorite foods.