WARNING: Docs Handing Out KILLER Pills!
I’ll never understand mainstream docs who toe the Big Pharma line at patients’ expense – pushing pricey, ineffective, and UNNECCESARY meds just to make a quick buck.
I hate to talk this way, but it’s downright disgusting… and more than that, it’s DANGEROUS!
Time and again, I’ve told you about the deadly effects of Big Pharma darlings (especially its cash-grab antibiotics) and warned you against taking any of them…
But despite the known risks of drug-resistant superbugs and other microbial killers, mainstream docs keep handing them out anyway.
Now, though, you’ve got to swear off their no-good pills for good, because some of their biggest money-makers… meds you could be taking RIGHT NOW… lead to DEADLY HEART TROUBLE!
In the shocking new study, published last month in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Canadian researchers combed through FDA records and private insurance claims and compared them against three different kinds of antibiotics: amoxicillin, azithromycin, and fluoroquinolones.
And if that last group sounds familiar, it’s because these meds are often PLASTERED all over the news!
Fluoroquinolones like ciprofloxacin (Cipro) and Levaquin are often prescribed to treat UTIs and other bacterial infections… and in addition to encouraging drug-resistant superbugs (as all antibiotics do), these drugs are INFAMOUS for their disabling side effects.
Those include intense muscle and joint pain, ruptured or inflamed tendons, kidney damage, and memory problems (collectively called “getting floxxed”)… and unfortunately, that’s just the beginning.
In the Canadian study, researchers found that folks taking these no-good meds are more than TWICE AS LIKELY to develop aortic or mitral regurgitation!
That’s when blood traveling out of your heart BACKS UP and flows BACKWARD into the organ, increasing pressure in the area and potentially leading to high blood pressure and abnormal heart beats (which up your odds of blood clots and stroke).
In severe cases, these conditions have also been linked to devastating heart failure…
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But tell a traditional doc about these concerns (and the risk of regurgitation), and he’ll tell you not to worry. He’ll say that there’s an easy fix for those heart woes…
Only, it’s NOT stopping the antibiotics.
Mainstream “treatment” for mitral regurgitation often includes risky blood thinners and valve surgery… drastic and expensive options that typically come with a whole new set of dangers…
But you can safeguard your heart and avoid the operating table with one simple, straightforward step.
Stop the meds.
If your doctor has you on a course of fluoroquinolones – or he suggests you start one soon – turn him down. Tell him that you know the truth about these deadly drugs… and you’re not willing to foot the bill for any of it.
According to the Centers for Disease Control, at least 30 percent of antibiotic prescriptions AREN’T NECESSARY – and recent recommendations say these meds SHOULDN’T be used to treat mild infections (which can heal on their own), UTIs, or non-bacterial infections.
Instead, opt for a safe, natural alternative.
Turmeric and garlic have immune-boosting and anti-bacterial properties that help your body battle infection, and you can find them at any grocery store. For supplement versions, check your local vitamin shop.
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