Live LONGER With This “Life Elixir”
Dear Turapür Today Reader, Talk to a mainstream doc about wanting to live longer, and he’ll come back with the same basic, boring advice you’ve heard before. “Blah blah blah — eat better! Blah blah blah — exercise!” Of course, I can’t fault him too much. Those are some of the best ways to stay healthy and happy...
This Ancient Brew REBOOTS Aging Brains
For many folks, getting older means weighing a little more, sleeping a little less, and LOSING the sharp mind you’ve always prized. Seemingly out of nowhere, you might have trouble focusing or organizing your thoughts… vocalizing what you want to say… or REMEMBERING things knew by heart… And when you tell a traditional doc about...
Miracle Drink DESTROYS Lung Cancer
Welsh researchers have just discovered a cheap, easy way to DESTROY lung cancer.
Drink THIS to Lose Weight and Boost Metabolism
California researchers have found that a certain miracle drink could be the key to reversing age-related weight gain.