Researchers Discover NEW Global Pandemic?
For the better part of two years, the word pandemic has been synonymous with COVID-19… And rightfully so! And while there are signs that COVID-19 is starting to slow down… the pandemic is still alive and well (for now). But what if I told you that there is new global pandemic that is extremely dangerous...
Big Pharma ‘Cure All’ Drug Linked to COLON CANCER (Study)
Dear Turapür Today Reader, Another day, another attempt by Big Pharma to convince the general public that one of their prescription ‘staples’ is perfectly safe and can be handed out like candy! And who could blame them? They’ve become so good at it, most folks simply don’t even bat an eye anymore… and willingly empty...
Urgent: Docs Sneaking Patients Extra Pills?!
Dear Turapür Today Reader, If there’s one mainstream method I truly cannot stand, it’s treating antibiotics as some sort of quick-fix cure-all. Despite learning more and more about these meds (and the dangers of drug-resistant superbugs) many docs just keep doling out dangerous prescriptions… throwing antibiotics at everything they see. “Got a cough? Take this.”...
Urgent: These Meds Could GIVE YOU Parkinson's
Dear Turapür Today Reader, Over the past few years, I’ve told you A LOT about the dangers of mainstream antibiotics. I’ve shared that they can cause painful kidney stones and muscle pain. I’ve revealed that they can lead to heart disease and mess with your brain… And time and time again, I’ve warned you about...
WARNING: Docs Handing Out KILLER Pills!
I’ll never understand mainstream docs who toe the Big Pharma line at patients’ expense – pushing pricey, ineffective, and UNNECCESARY meds just to make a quick buck. I hate to talk this way, but it’s downright disgusting… and more than that, it’s DANGEROUS! Time and again, I’ve told you about the deadly effects of Big Pharma darlings (especially its cash-grab antibiotics) and warned you against...
“Taboo” Plant BATTLES Nasty Superbugs (And So Much More…)
Pull me off the phonograph and mount me on the wall, because when it comes to warning you about the dangers of deadly superbugs, I am a total BROKEN RECORD! I know it. I’ll own up to it. I’ve been blathering on about these drug-resistant germs for a while now… repeatedly stressing just how HEINOUS and HARMFUL these bugs really are… but until...
Civil War Cures DEFEAT Deadly Superbugs
Researchers have just uncovered the bacteria-busting effects of three battlefield remedies… natural cures used during the American Civil War… that BEAT BACK stubborn superbugs and STOP them from spreading!
Sweet “Superbug-Killer” Works BETTER Than Meds!
Researchers from the United Kingdom have recently uncovered a remarkable alternative for risky mainstream drugs… an all-natural superbug-killer that ELIMINATES stubborn bacteria!
[Urgent] Popular Meds CAUSING Heart Disease!
American researchers have just discovered yet another reason to REIN IN antibiotic use and prescription… a DEVASTATING link to deadly disease!
[Alert] Docs Caught LYING About Popular Meds!
Many mainstream docs CLAIM to be working on limiting their prescription of dangerous antibiotics, but new research reveals that many AREN’T.Here’s how they’re getting away with it.