Men: Eat THIS Today To BLOCK Prostate Cancer
Listen up, men.
Thanks to recent leaps in cancer research, we know that most cases of prostate cancer DON’T NEED conventional care. Don’t get me wrong: It’s still cancer, and it’s one of the most common kinds…
But this disease is usually so slow-moving and non-aggressive that men who have it can afford to spend YEARS “watching and waiting” before they need any sort of mainstream assistance.
Unfortunately, docs try to sell it to you ANYWAY!
Yep. Even though “active surveillance” is enough to protect most men, mainstream oncologists often try to SCARE folks into expensive surgeries, drugs, and hormone therapies… claiming that they’re your “best bet” for survival…
But here’s your real best option: DODGE CANCER ENTIRELY!
New research reveals that it’s easier than you might think… and with one all-natural remedy, you can SKIP the mainstream charades and AVOID their scam-based sales pitch!
All you need is a handful of mushrooms.
In a study recently published in the International Journal of Cancer, Japanese researchers analyzed the health records – including dietary information, medical data, and lifestyle habits — of more than 36,000 men over the age of 40.
Then, they followed-up with the men over 13 years and organized them into groups based on how often they consumed mushrooms.
By the end of the study, more than 1,200 participants had developed prostate cancer…
This Food Could Be Growing Deadly Tumors
But compared to those who rarely ate mushrooms (less than once per week), guys who enjoyed them three or four times per week were 17 PERCENT less likely to have the disease!
For you, protection against prostate cancer could mean NEVER accepting harsh mainstream drugs or treatment… NEVER “watching and waiting” and wondering if you’ll die of something else before the cancer kills you…
And you could get it all with just a handful of healthy shrooms each day!
Now, this study didn’t collect data on what types of mushrooms the men consumed… but thanks to previous research, I can think of a few great options.
In 2015, a human study on men with recurrent prostate cancer found that white button mushrooms (delivered as an extract) reduced participants’ levels of prostate specific antigen, or PSA – a key biomarker of the disease – and improved their cancer immune response.
Plus, earlier this summer I told you all about how Cordyceps militaris (a bright-orange fungus used in Traditional Chinese Medicine) KILLS OFF ovarian, lung, and colorectal cancer cells and stops them from spreading!
AHCC, an extract made from Japanese shiitake mushrooms, was recently shown to boost immunity and improve your body’s defenses, while reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum) may make mainstream cancer treatments more effective.
You should be able to find all of these celebrated shrooms at your local grocery store or Asian market. Many are also available dried, powdered, or as supplements – available online.
So, start snacking! Mushrooms go great in pastas, soups, salads, and more (even on juicy burgers!) – and one serving per week could be enough to start lowering your cancer risk.
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