[COVID-19] 3 BIG Updates You NEED To See
Dear Turapür Today Reader,
More than one month into the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s easy to feel OVERWHELMED by the sheer amount of information you’re given every day.
First, it’s the morning newspaper warning you to keep washing your hands. Then, it’s the local news station updating you on confirmed cases in your area…
Later, it’s politicians spitting out conflicting info about death rates and “reopening” the country.
It’s a lot to keep track of… and friend, there’s still MORE INFO slipping through the cracks, IGNORED or UNREPORTED by the mainstream media!
That’s why I’m back today with three underground updates on the pandemic – three stories that could help SAVE LIVES if they weren’t BURIED by handwashing how-tos and political pandering.
Here’s what you need to know…
- Scientists have identified MORE symptoms of COVID-19 – and they’re not what you’d expect.
By now, most folks know that fever, respiratory issues (cough, trouble breathing), and gastrointestinal problems (nausea, diarrhea) are common signs of the novel coronavirus… but just over a week ago, Chinese doctors found that COVID-19 may also cause neurological symptoms.
According to their report, published in JAMA Neurology, these include dizziness, headaches, seizures, sensory impairment, nerve pain, and muscle injury – and most of them occurred early in the illness (within two days of hospitalization).
While these symptoms are more likely in patients with severe infection, some patients reported to the hospital with ONLY these neurological issues (NOT respiratory or GI problems).
So, keep an eye out. If you or a loved one develop any of these symptoms, call your doctor immediately and follow his directions about whether to go to the hospital.
- Gastroenterologists say IBD meds should be PAUSED in coronavirus patients.
According to a clinical practice update published by the American Gastroenterological Association, people with inflammatory bowel disease who test positive for COVID-19 (but have not developed illness) should stop taking biologics and certain IBD meds for two weeks while symptoms are monitored.
While people with IBD are not at increased risk of infection, treatment for the bowel condition often involves immune-modifying drugs that have “well-described risks of other viral infections.”
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DO NOT stop any medication before speaking with your physician, but keep this recommendation in mind should you or a loved one test positive for COVID-19.
- Current antibody tests CAN’T necessarily be trusted.
Relaxed FDA policies have allowed companies making antibody tests – which check to see if a person was previously infected with COVID-19 (and if they’re immune to it now) – to SELL the tests without proving that they actually work.
And according to Association of Public Health Laboratories, that’s led to an INFLUX of “crappy” tests!
The biggest concern is that these shoddy tests might confuse COVID-19 with other coronaviruses, like those that cause the common cold – and while high-quality tests do exist, they’re not widely available.
Plus, there’s no guarantee that having the correct antibodies means you’re immune to the condition…
So, here’s what you need to do: Stay skeptical.
Even if tests show that you or a loved one have the appropriate antibodies, DO NOT abandon social distancing protocols and good hygiene. Assume that you’re still able to get sick – and behave that way.
Avoid going out as much as possible… wear a mask if you have to leave your home… and stay away from crowds and close contact with other people.
Do you have feedback you want to share? Drop me a line: feedback@turapur.com.
Jack Taylor
Department of Research, Turapür Products
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