[Alert] Amazing Oil FIGHTS Viruses
Dear Turapür Today Reader,
No one likes getting sick… but when you’re over a certain age or living with a weakened immune system, the stakes get a whole lot higher.
Everyday illnesses like cold and flu can spell DISASTER… often leading to dangerous pneumonia and bronchitis…
But don’t worry, friend.
There’s an amazing natural oil, known throughout the Mediterranean, that FIGHTS OFF scary invaders and DEFEATS viruses… and if you’re older or prone to illness, this powerful antiviral could help SAVE your life!
It’s called oil of oregano…
And as you might expect, it’s made from the leaves of the Mediterranean oregano plant, Origanum vulgare.
Traditionally, it’s been used to improve respiratory health and relieve symptoms of cold and flu… but now, modern research has gone even deeper…
Finding that oil of oregano ATTACKS viruses at their source!
In a lab study published in the Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, researchers tested a handful of commercial oregano oils against H1N1, a strain of influenza A also known as “swine flu.”
Now, if you remember, that’s the viral respiratory infection that caused THOUSANDS of deaths back in 2009 and 2010. It’s known for devastating symptoms like dry cough, fever, sore throat, and chills… and like many infections, it can lead to severe complications in seniors…
But in the study, oil of oregano KO’d that killer virus!
In lab tests, five forms of oregano oil – ALL of those tested – showed significant antiviral activity, helping to KILL the virus and stop its spread.
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According to a study published in the Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, these effects likely come from a substance called carvacrol, a natural plant compound common in herbs like oregano, thyme, and marjoram.
Carvacrol is even found in tequila… and in many cases, the compound contributes to a warm, pungent scent… but while the study found that carvacrol inhibited viruses on its own, it was less effective than full oil of oregano.
That indicates that carvacrol and oregano’s other compounds have a synergistic effect, though more research is needed.
Unfortunately, there’s no solid data showing that oil of oregano is effective against COVID-19… but as more and more studies into this virus are conducted, maybe we’ll see some promising results.
To get started fighting off flu and other viruses, look for oil of oregano from your local health food store or vitamin shop. Liquid forms are great for mixing into water or another beverage – and make sure to follow proper dosing directions on the packaging.
If you prefer to use capsule supplements, retailer Gaia Herbs sells 60-count bottles for about $27 each. Look for them online at www.gaiaherbs.com.
As always, speak with a physician you trust before supplementing.
While oil of oregano is generally safe to use, it can contribute to bleeds, low blood sugar, and may trigger an allergic reaction in folks sensitive to basil, mint, and other related herbs.
Do you have feedback you want to share? Drop me a line: feedback@turapur.com.
Jack Taylor
Department of Research, Turapür Products
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