
Coronavirus Update for Seniors

Dear Turapür Today Reader, If there’s one small silver lining to the COVID-19 crisis, it’s that – thankfully – kids seem insulated against the virus. According to the World Health Organization, just 2.4 percent of reported Chinese cases were children, and only .02 percent of reported cases were children who were critically ill. Better yet,...

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[Coronavirus] “Recovery” CAN’T Save You!

Dear Turapür Today Reader, Flip on the news or open your morning paper, and you’ll find story after story on the rising threat of coronavirus. You’ll see that it’s killed more than 3,000 people worldwide… that it’s spread across the United States and started claiming American lives. You’ll hear that dumb mistakes and mainstream blunders have made it...

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Are Meds Making Coronavirus MORE Dangerous!?

Dear Turapür Today Reader, Every few days, it seems, I come back with another bad-news update about the coronavirus… and every few days, more and more people DIE from it. Unfortunately, today is no better. In fact, it’s actually WORSE. A brave group of scientists have just revealed that many docs charged with treating coronavirus are going about...

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WARNING : Docs MISSING Coronavirus Symptoms

Dear Turapür Today Reader, Just last week, I told you that deadly coronavirus had leaked its way out of China and spread to the United States, killing HUNDREDS along the way. And unfortunately, the outbreak has only gotten worse. Within the past week, coronavirus has continued to stretch its way around the world, CONFOUNDING mainstream docs and more...

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ALERT: Coronavirus SPREADS To The States

Dear Turapür Today Reader, As if flu and pneumonia weren’t scary enough, there’s a brand-new virus in town… an unforeseen plight that’s POISONED more than 6,000 people so far… And every day, the death toll rises. Just ONE MONTH into this outbreak, more than 130 people have lost their lives – and despite mass quarantines and travel bans,...

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